Create your own 2D games and applications


Scrupp has a number of dependencies. If you are using the version for Windows or Mac OS X, you won't need to think about this, because everything is included in Scrupp.

Scrupp uses the following libraries:

These libraries depend on several other modules like libpng, libjpeg, libz, Ogg Vorbis and FreeType. Some of those may be optional.

The version numbers are the latest versions Scrupp is known to work with. It does not mean, that the binary versions of Scrupp exactly use these versions. It is more likely older versions are used.


On Windows, the executable scrupp.exe supports drag and drop. Thus, you can drop a script file, an archive (containing a script file named main.slua) or a directory (containing a script file named main.slua or a archive named main.sar) on the executable.

The installer will copy all nescessary files to a directory specified by the user. In addition it can associate script files (*.slua) and Scrupp archives (zip files renamed to *.sar) with Scrupp. Then a double-click on one of these file types starts Scrupp and loads the file.
Zip Archive
The zip archive needs no installation. Just extract it at some place. Remember that script files (*.slua) and Scrupp archives (*.sar) are not associated with the Scrupp executable.

Mac OS X

After the download of the disc image of Scrupp it should get mounted automatically. If nothing happens, just double-click on the file. A window will open which shows the Scrupp application ( and a directory named examples which contains - you name it - some examples. You can copy the Scrupp application anywhere you want, e.g. to your applications directory. automatically associates script files (*.slua) and Scrupp archives (*.sar) with Scrupp. Thus, they can be started with Scrupp by simply double-clicking.

The is a simple directory which Mac OS X shows as an application because of its extension (which is usually hidden). You can display the content of the directory by right-clicking on and choosing Show Package Contents. In this directory you will find the file main.slua. This is the one that is executed if you double-click on the Scrupp application. By replacing the main.slua with your own, you can easily create you own distributable application!

Scrupp supports drag and drop. Thus, you can drop a script file, an archive (containing a script file named main.slua) or a directory (containing a script file named main.slua or a archive named main.sar) on the executable.


On Linux, you have to compile Scrupp yourself, but that's easier than you might think. The first thing is to install all dependencies. The following table shows the packages you need to install on Ubuntu and Debian:

Name Debian/Ubuntu package name

To install all these dependencies on Debian/Ubuntu run:

$ sudo apt-get install pkg-config liblua5.1-0-dev libphysfs-dev libcairo2-dev \
libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev \
libsmpeg-dev libgtk2.0-dev

Scrupp uses the Autotools. That means the following three commands compile and install Scrupp:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

This will install Scrupp using /usr/local as the root directory. That means, the binary will be copied to /usr/local/bin, the examples, fonts and scripts to /usr/local/share/scrupp and the documentation to /usr/local/doc/scrupp. If you want to change this, use the --prefix option of the configure script (see ./configure --help for all of the options).

If you just want to give it a try, stop after running make and copy the scrupp binary from src/ to the top directory:

$ cp src/scrupp .

Then you can execute it by typing

$ ./scrupp

This will load the default file main.slua in the top directory.

If you have the development version of Scrupp (checkout via SVN) then the first thing is to generate the configure script. You will need autoconf and automake (on Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install autoconf automake). To generate the files, run:

$ ./

After that, you can follow the steps above.

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Last modified Thu Sep 24, 2009