Scrupp 0.1 Manual
Create your own 2D games and applications

General functions

game.init(title, width, height, bit_depth, fullscreen)
Creates a window with the chosen title, a size in pixel chosen by width and height and the chosen bit_depth. The fullscreen parameter toggles between fullscreen (true) or windowed mode (false).
Has to be called after game.init(). Returns the window width in pixels.
Has to be called after game.init(). Returns the window height in pixels.
Has to be called after game.init(). Returns the number of milliseconds since the start of the application.
If called without argument, returns the current state of the cursor as boolean. Otherwise the state of the cursor is changed depending on the boolean argument show.
A call to this function immediately exits the application.
Runs the file with the chosen filename.
This function can draw points, lines and polygons. The array part of the table contains the list of x,y coordinate pairs of the points. The interpretation of those points depends on several settings made by the following key-value pairs. All of them are optional.
color [= {255, 255, 255, 255}]
This table sets the color of the point(s), line(s) or polygon(s) to the given value. The first three elements are the red, green and blue components of the color. The optional fourth value is the alpha component. All four elements have to be in the range from 0 to 255. The default color is opaque white.
size [= 1]
Sets the pixel size or line width to the chosen number. The default value is 1.
connect [= false]
If this boolean value is true and if there are more than two points a line will be drawn between the first and the second, the second and the third and so on. The default value is false.
fill [= false]
If this boolean value is true the created shape will be filled with the chosen color. The default value is false.
antialiasing [= false]
This boolean value activates or deactivates the anti-aliasing. If it is true, pixels with a size greater one will become circles and lines will blend nicely with the background. The default value is false.
pixellist [= false]
If the boolean value pixellist is true, a point will be drawn at each location given by the coordinate pairs. If it is false and there is more than one point, the points will be interpreted as one or more line(s) or as a polygon depending on the other options. The default value is false.


game.init("Draw Test - Click to test!", 600, 400, 32, false)

-- prepare one table for big white pixels
pixels = { antialiasing = false, size = 20, pixellist = true }
-- prepare one table for red connected lines
lines = { color = {255,0,0}, antialiasing = true, connect = true }

main = {
	render = function(dt)
	mousepressed = function(x, y, button)
		-- add the point where the mouse was pressed to the list of pixels
		pixels[#pixels+1] = x
		pixels[#pixels+1] = y
		-- add the point to the list of lines, too
		lines[#lines+1] = x
		lines[#lines+1] = y

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Last modified Mon May 26, 2008