Have a look at the font plugin. This make the usage of truetype fonts easier.
- scrupp.addFont(filename, size)
- Loads a font file with the given filename and the given size in pixels. This can load TTF and FON formats. Returns a font object.
- font:getTextSize(text)
- Returns the width and height of the resulting surface of the LATIN1 encoded text rendered using font. No actual rendering is done. The returned height is the same as returned by font:getHeight().
- font:getHeight()
- Returns the maximum pixel height of all glyphs of the given font.
- font:getLineSkip()
- Returns the recommended pixel height of a rendered line of text of the loaded font. This usually is larger than the result of font:getHeight().
- font:generateImage(text)
- Returns an image containing the text rendered with the given font. The text color is white and the background is transparent. To use another color call font:generateImage() with a table as sole argument. The color of the created image can be changed by setting the appropriate option during rendering (see image:render()).
- font:generateImage(table)
- This is nearly the same as the last one. This time a
table contains the arguments.
table = { text, color = {red, green, blue, [alpha]} -- optional }
The first element of the array part of the table has to be the text. The table may have an optional color entry. This has to be a table containing three numbers between 0 and 255, one for each color component (red, green, blue). An optional fourth entry is the transparency (0-255).
Remember: The color of an image can be changed during rendering.
scrupp.init("Font Test", 600, 400, 32, false)
-- load a font
local font = scrupp.addFont("fonts/Vera.ttf", 20)
-- get the recommended line height in pixel
local lineSkip = font:getLineSkip()
-- get the text size of a sample text
local w, h = font:getTextSize("Hello World")
-- define a color (opaque blue)
local cBlue = {0, 0, 255, 255}
-- the transparency defaults to 255 (opaque), so this is the same:
local cBlue = {0, 0, 255}
-- generate an image containing some text using the default color
local image_1 = font:generateImage("Hello World")
-- generate an image using the defined color cBlue
-- -- because font:generateImage() gets only one parameter and this is a table
-- -- we can omit the parenthesises and just use the curly brackets of the table
-- -- constructor
local image_2 = font:generateImage{"Hello World", color = cBlue}
-- this has the same result:
local image_2 = font:generateImage{"Hello World", color = {0, 0, 255}}
main = {
render = function(dt)
-- render the already loaded images:
image_2:render(100 + w, 50 + lineSkip)