Image support is implemented using
- JPEG support requires the JPEG library:
- IJG Homepage
- PNG support requires the PNG library:
PNG Homepage
- and the Zlib library:
- Zlib Homepage
- TIFF support requires the TIFF library:
- scrupp.addImage(filename)
- Loads the image file with the given filename.
Supported formats: BMP, PNM (PPM/PGM/PBM), XBM, LBM, PCX, GIF,
JPEG, PNG and TIFF. Returns an image object.
- image:getWidth()
- Returns the image width.
- image:getHeight()
- Returns the image height.
- image:getSize()
- Returns the width and the height of the image.
- image:isTransparent(x, y)
- Returns true if the pixel of the image with the
coordinates x and y is not opaque, i.e.
has an alpha value lower than 255. Returns false otherwise. This
is not influenced by the alpha value of the whole image changed
using image:setAlpha().
- image:setAlpha(alpha)
- Changes the alpha value of the image. alpha has to be
between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque).
- image:getAlpha()
- Returns the current alpha value of the image. This value is
between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque).
- image:render(x, y)
- Renders the image at the window coordinates x
and y.
- image:render(table)
- This is nearly the same as the last one. This time a table
contains the arguments. It's complete structure follows.
table = {
x, -- x-coordinate of the image position -- mandatory
y, -- y-coordinate of the image position -- mandatory
centerX = [x-coordinate of the center for positioning, scaling and rotation],
centerY = [y-coordinate of the center for positioning, scaling and rotation],
scaleX = [scale factor for the x-axis],
scaleY = [scale factor for the y-axis],
rotate = [angle in degrees to rotate the image],
rect = { x, y, width, height }, -- optional
color = { red, green, blue, alpha } -- optional
The first two elements of the array part of the
table have to be the x- and y-coordinate of the point that the
image should be rendered at. The table may have an optional
rect entry. This has to be a table describing the rectangle
the image should be clipped to. It contains the x- and y-coordinate of
the upper left corner and the width and height of the rectangle inside
the image. The entries centerX and centerY are optional
and default to zero, the left-upper corner of the image. scaleX and
scaleY are optional as well and default to one. rotate has
a default value of zero dregrees and is optional, too. The optional
color entry is a table defining some kind of color filter.
If you have a grayscale image, it will be colorized with this color.
As always the table looks like this: {red, green, blue, [alpha]} with
each value between 0 and 255.
scrupp.init("Image Test", 600, 400, 32, false)
-- load an image file
local image = scrupp.addImage("path_to_image_file")
-- get the dimension of the image
local width = image:getWidth()
local height = image:getHeight()
-- this has the same result:
local width, height = image:getSize()
if width > scrupp.getWindowWidth() or height > scrupp.getWindowHeight() then
print("Please choose an image with smaller dimensions.")
-- calculate the x- and y-coordinate of the image
local x = (scrupp.getWindowWidth()-width)/2
local y = (scrupp.getWindowHeight()-height)/2
main = {
render = function(dt)
-- get the position of the mouse pointer
mx, my = mouse:getPos()
-- set the image alpha depending on the x-coordinate of the
-- mouse pointer
-- if you click with the left mouse button,
-- only a part of the image is rendered
if mouse.isDown("left") then
mx, my,
rect = { mx-x, my-y, width/2, height/2 }
-- otherwise the whole image is rendered